Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Muppets

3 Paws
Seen recently at Aksarben Cinema

I was a freshman in high school when "The Muppet Show" debuted on television. The music and drama nerd in me loved the variety show format, the hecklers in the balcony and the guest hosts who appeared each week.

You could argue that such innocent fun has no place in today's troubled and sophisticated world. But I think you'd be wrong, and so must actor/writer Jason Segel, who stars as Gary. If the film's 97% rating on the Rotten Tomatoes web site is any indication, we're not alone.

"The Muppets" has a lot to offer - a plot that ties the past to the present, a series of crazy musical numbers, a despicable villain (Chris Cooper can do it all), a smattering of cameo performances from recognizable actors, and an ending that's as satisfying as watching George Bailey find Zuzu's petals in his pants pocket. It's okay, all you Joe Cools out there - let your muppet flag fly.

Bonus Bones: 10
Ralph the piano-playing dog has a few good moments on screen, and there's a long-nosed one who tries to order pizza while working the phones during the telethon.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to read Sam’s post on The Muppets, who hold a very dear, place in this blogger’s heart, too. I have fond memories of losing myself in the behind-the-scenes debacle of each Muppets’ theatrical performance. I especially enjoyed watching Fozzie Bear spout his jokes and very famous tagline: “Wocka Wocka Wocka!” as hecklers Statler and Waldorf looked on. My favorite guest is still: John Denver. I worried when Jim Henson passed that the Muppets would be no more. Thanks for your review – going to add this to my Netflix cue.
