Monday, October 17, 2011

Love Crime (Crime d'amour)

2 Paws
Seen recently at the Dundee Theatre (still musty, still open)

This is what happens when mean girls grow up.

Kristin Scott Thomas (Christine) and Ludivine Sagnier (Isabelle Guerin) are quite a pair - not exactly BFF material. We're not given any idea why Christine is the way she is, although judging by her clothes, her car and her crib, she's used it to her economic advantage. In contrast to Christine, we get some sense that Isabelle's behavior stems from her upbringing or an undiagnosed mental illness - most people don't gather up and rinse out their breakfast dishes in precisely the same pattern of movement day after day.

This is an odd little film - the absence of a soundtrack for most of the 104-minute running time is unnerving, and the corporate world that writer/director Alain Corneau has created is just plain strange - what the hell do these people do for a living?

It kept my attention, though, and now I've got some great tips on how to deal with an evil boss.

Bonus Bones: 0
Not a chien to be seen.

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