Thursday, August 25, 2011


2.5 Paws
Seen recently at Film Streams

Warning: if you had a traumatic high school experience, this film may cause flashbacks. I think everyone feels like a loser in grades nine through 12, although some kids are better at hiding it than others. Terri (played with a quiet dignity by newcomer Jacob Wysocki) doesn't even bother trying to hide it, which makes his character all the more sympathetic.

This is an odd little film set in an odd little place, but the subtlety of the performances makes it worthwhile viewing. John C. Reilly is one of my favorites working today, and he never seems to disappoint, no matter the role. The big surprise for me was Creed Bratton's turn as Uncle James, Terri's guardian (or is Terri his uncle's guardian?). I'm used to Creed's deadpan delivery on episodes of "The Office" and was compelled by the depth of his acting talent.

Another warning: watching the skinny kid (Bridger Zadina) pull his hair out in tiny clumps is, well, a bit stomach turning, so you may want to skip the concession stand before finding your seat.

Let's hope kids aren't that mean in real life.

Bonus Bones: 0
A dog would have helped Terri cope, but then again, after seeing what he did to those mice...

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