Saturday, April 16, 2011


2 Paws
Seen recently at Aksarben Cinema

I don't have kids, but if I did, I'd like a Hanna - minus all the killing. She's a younger, darker version of Jaime Sommers, one of my early television heroines. Saoirse Ronan (Hanna) is mysterious, magnetic and other worldly - it looks like someone plucked her straight from one of the Lord of the Rings film sets. Maybe it's her name, or maybe it's the country she comes from. Here's hoping she makes wise film choices going forward so her 15 minutes of fame last a while.

Oscar winner Cate Blanchett seemed to phone it in as the stereotypic government bad seed with a syrupy southern drawl. I did get a kick out of her ruthless attention to dental hygiene, though. The other star of the film was its score. I felt like I was watching a series of great music videos from back in the day when MTV actually showed music videos instead of bad reality television. (Remember a-ha's Take On Me?)

Bonus Bones: 5
The wolf pups were cute, the guard dog in one of the pivotal chase scenes represented, and viewers even got a brief history lesson (complete with visual) about Laika, the first dog in space.

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