Friday, November 30, 2012

The Imposter

3 Paws
Seen recently at Film Streams

Oooooooh - this is one creepy documentary that's incredibly well executed.

Pretend for a moment that you live on the wrong side of the tracks in a Texas town. You're trying to raise your somewhat troubled son - a light-haired, blue-eyed boy - as a single parent. Then, one day, that son - who's now 13 - goes missing. Three years later, you get a call from the authorities telling you your son has been located - overseas, mind you. You're not fit to travel, so you send your daughter to pick him up and bring him home. She brings someone home, all right, but it's a dark-eyed dude with a French accent. You welcome him back, telling those who will listen that three years living in unspeakable conditions can change a person.

I made up my mind about halfway through as to what I think happened to the real Nicholas Barclay, and that's the beauty of the film's structure - it allows you to draw your own conclusions. It also highlights the shortcomings of the juvenile justice system - if society considers you "poor white trash" and you don't have an advocate, you're completely disposable.

Bonus Bones: 1
There's a quick shot of a boxer in a backyard, but that's it.

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